European Parents Association


Die Elternvertretung auf EU-Ebene in Brüssel

European Parents Association

EPA, the voice of parents for all children in Europe.



Seit 1985 gibt es eine Elternvertretung auf europäischer Ebene. Sie betreibt Lobbying bei den verschiedenen Gremien der EU und arbeitet an der demokratischen Verbesserung der Mitarbeit der Eltern in der Schule in den Ländern der EU.

Der ehemalige stellvertretende Vorsitzende des BER Joachim Klesen war bis November 2013 im Vorstand der EPA.


EPA - the European Parents' Association - was founded in April 1985 in Milan/Italy to gather together associations of parents and families from all over Europe. The specific needs and interests of parents have been in the focus of EPA activities since then.

As one of the main concerns of parents is the child's education, permanent work was tributed to this field. EPA's position is subscribed to the partnership of parents and teachers to give the optimum conditions for the child's education.

EPA has subscribed to EUCIS-LLL, the platform on "European Citicenship and Lifelong Learning", in 2008. This indicates that EPA also is involved in the promotion of Active European Citizenship and wants to encourage parents to be open for lifelong learning.